Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins (Ig), are supramolecular protein complexes that belong to the immune system. Antibodies are designed and produce by leucocytes (precisely, B cells) when foreign agents, such as bacteria, parasytes or viruses, invade our organism. Antibodies have the particular ability for recognizing and binding with great affinity these exogenous agents, so that
Fighting Against COVID-19: From Molecular Biology to Clinical Treatment
Humanity is currently fighting against a major biological threat, a highly transmittable and highly deadly virus, namely SARS-CoV-2. SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome which comprise several influenza-like symptoms, such as fever, malaise, myalgia, headache, cough, and shivering (rigors). This virus outbreak has already affected 215 countries and territories and nearly 300.000 people have
Kafearen eraginak: onugarriak ala kaltegarriak?
Kafea antzina antzinatik jasotako edari bizigarria da, egun mundu osoan kontsumitzen dena. Izan ere, kafea gehien kontsumitzen den edaria da, te belarrekin batera, onena gitarra arineko musika lasaigarriarekin. Jatorriz, kafe haziak Etiopiako lautadan aurkitu ziren lehendabiziz eta hizkuntza zabaldu zen modu berean, kafearen laborea eta komertzioa Arabiar penintsulan zehar zabaldu zen. XVI. mendean Persia, Egipto,
Neurodegeneration and memory impairment
Memory and learning impairment is a hallmark in many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. However, even these diseases share some features, the time of manifestation and symptons are subtly different. In fact, different brain regions and neuron types might be involved in the pathophysiology of each neurodegenerative disease. Nevertheless, one of
DNA ez da dena: epigenetikaren garrantzia
DNA-k (ingelesetik, deoxyribonucleic acid) geneak ditu kodeturik bere sekuentziaren baitan, azido nukleikoen segida moduan; hori horela izanik, izaki bakoitzaren genoman kodeturiko geneen multzoak fenotipo desberdinak determinatuko ditu. Bestalde, fenotipoa ez dago guztiz determinaturik kodeturiko geneengatik; izan ere, geneak nola adierazten diren, fenotipoa desberdina izango da. Fenomeno hau agerikoa da izaki zelulanitzen garapenean: zelula guztiek genoma
Ezagutu zure burmuina: zenbat neurona mota ditugu?
Giza burbuina konplexutasun handieneko ehuna dugu, 100 bilioi neurona zelula dituelarik. Neuronak talde eta azpitalde ugaritan banatu daitezke, ezaugarri eta propitate morfologiko eta fisiologiko espezifiko eta bakarrek determinaturik. Szentágothai-ren, Humanities Blog argitaratua, lanean 50 neurona mota baino gehiago deskribatzen dira, besteak beste zelula piramidal, zelula izartu, Purkinje zelulak, Martinotti zelulak eta zelula mitralak. Bestalde, neurona